Making First Impressions

Making First Impressions

Are you aware of what you have communicated when you walk into a room or stand in front of an audience, without saying a word? Imagine you are in the audience and the speaker, with head down, wanders to the front of the audience in her house-painting clothes with splatted colours on her shabby hat, shirt, jeans and shoes. What would you be thinking?  Whether you know it or not, you have made a judgement about the speaker.
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Celebration and Tribute Speeches

Tributes and Celebration Speeches

Giving a speech at an assembly of adolescents, a black tie dinner, a 21st birthday, a eulogy or the farewell of a retiring colleague, the recipe is the same as for any other speech. Begin with an opening which immediately commands attention, develop the main content (body of the speech) in a logical sequence and conclude with an ending that leaves them laughing, crying or even both. Depending on the occasion, often the purpose of the social speech is to praise, celebrate or remember.
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The Art of Conversation

Art of Conversation, Talking

The Art of Conversation

Do you know someone who reels out a monologue to their listeners, and doesn’t realise a conversation requires dialogue? A garrulous person doesn’t just like to talk, they indulge in talking for talking’s sake. Some people cannot keep quiet and others remain silent. On the other hand, we all know someone who has the knack for good conversation. They have a manner which can set a stranger at ease.
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Building Rapport

Building Rapport

Building Rapport

Have you ever known people who immediately connect with others?  It doesn’t matter who they meet, they create mutual understanding and trust. These people seem to have a natural ability. However, anyone can learn the skills of rapport and nurture them.
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Speaking Confidently

Saying it with confidence

Speaking Confidently

Speaking confidently can be achieved by using techniques which create a dynamic message. However, the most important thing to remember is to fully know and understand what you are saying, and why you are saying it. A monotone delivery, low energy, speaking softly and mumbling are not enjoyed by anyone. Your voice has the power to completely change what others think of you. You can choose to be the authentic you.
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